Sunday, August 07, 2005

Our Speaker Tonight

The Speaker stood then held her ground
All the others flapped around
Fluttering like tiny birds
None of them had heard a word

A clamour rose, a mighty din
As many voices fought to win
a silence left for words to fill
The Speaker, on her ground, stood still

A warble climbed above the rest
Shrill and thin, but sounding best
" I'm sorry, could you please repeat?"
The Speaker looked down at her feet

She did not know what caused the fuss
Her lips were sealed, the problem thus
She had not caused this wild refute
She could not speak, she was a mute

She only stood because she thought
with shouts we pay for nothing bought
This room's for speakers… She'd perceived
The odd one out, she'd stood to leave

© 2005 Kahdoosch


Blogger shyloh's poetry said...

WOW this is very nice. I love the vision of this one.

Thanks for smile. ha.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Kahdoosch said...

Hi Iman, odd inspiration for this one. I'm about 75% deaf, being so leads you to musing about how spoken communication works i.e. transmitter-noise-reception, understanding then reply transmision-noise-reception. At each stage the noise in the communication derives from language barriers and environmental upbringing, etc.

When you try to use words precisely in verbal communication you quickly realise two things:-

1) That many people don't really listen, they are waiting for you to finish so they can say their own piece (which is being composed in their heads as you speak).

2) That vocabularies (and the undestanding of word meanings), vary to the extent, that, often a well chosen word is totally misinterpreted.

Given that none of us are perfect when it comes to chosing the right words to use it's a miracle that we can communicate at all ;-).

Check out 'The Use of Words'. It is inspired from the same area, concerning the internal narrative of what what we see (how we describe the world to ourselves). The word structures the thought and how we narrate the world to ourselves is directly responsible for our individual paradigms.

The word 'floccinaucinihilipilification' means 'to consider, or judge something as lacking value'. I find it hilarious and ironic that such a ridiculous, unuseable word should be coined to describe something that is considered worthless (and therefore useless). I thought I might use it just to be mischievous.

'Our speaker tonight' is a perception that sometimes, the people who might have the most to say (because they listen more) are the ones who tend to get less opportunity to speak.

9:07 AM  
Blogger Kahdoosch said...

Hi Shy,

I'll get around to mailing you about that music class today, Time permitting.


Thanks for stopping by, as always I value your comments.

9:11 AM  

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