Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Do Not Stand - A parody

Do not stand on my toe and bleat 
I am not here, they're not my feet
I am the throbbing, noisome bunnion
I am the tears brought on by onion
I am the sting of an insect bite
I am the bump in the dead of night
When you stub your toe on a hidden root
I am the sniggering, mirthful hoot
of children hidden in the hedge
I am the slippery window ledge
As you hit the street below
I tell you this so all will know
Do not stand on my foot and squawk
I am not here, I took a walk.

© Kahdoosch 2010

Sunday, September 05, 2010

The Merrow in the Mist

Water... bewitches and beguiles
Solemn music of the angel isle
Harmony of shingle sifting spume between it's scales
Rhythm of the ebb and flow, weaves pattern in the shale
Melody stands, high on wave and crashes down below the saline curve
rises with the coming storm and leaps from foamy tip to sky, observe
A figure far beyond the azure bay
Merrow harp sings sadly to the silent day
And all this in her eyes, her form, her hands
reflects her earthly cadence to the distant land.

© Kahdoosch 2010